November 8, 2017
music for flute and harp by Mozart, Paganini, Piazzolla, Jongen.
Elena Yarritu, flute & Elena Mashkovtseva, harp
Carmel Valley Library Family Concert Series
3919 Townsgate Dr.
San Diego, CA 92130
7:00 PM
Upcoming Events
Past Events

DUO ELENA, Elena Mashkovtseva, Elena Yarritu
November 8, 2017
music for flute and harp by Mozart, Paganini, Piazzolla, Jongen.
Elena Yarritu, flute & Elena Mashkovtseva, harp
Carmel Valley Library Family Concert Series
3919 Townsgate Dr.
San Diego, CA 92130
7:00 PM
November 15, 2017
CBDA All State Preparation Masterclass
presented by Elena Yarritu
Carmel Valley Library Family Concert Series
3919 Townsgate Dr.
San Diego, CA 92130
6:00 - 6:45 PM Junior High School
6:45-7:45 PM High School
April 1-4, 2015
World Premier of Scarrino's Cutting the Circle of Sounds with flute virtuoso Claire Chase.
100 Flutists needed! Beginner to Pro.
Contact Elena Yarritu, 858-805-1084, eyarritu@gmail.com.
San Diego Rehearsal Wednesday, April 1,TBA
Performance Saturday April 4 (1:30 PM call, 4 PM performance), UCLA.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
San Diego Flute Guild
All day flute event with flute choirs, competitions
and vendors. Special presentation and classes offered by Jean Ferrandis,
Cynthia Ellis and Dr. September Payne.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Carlos Aguilar, flute
Melissa Evans, piano
Carmel Valley Library Family Concert Series
7:00 PM
Fall, 2015
Master Class with special guest artist, TBA
Foundation Music Center
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sunday, January 19, 2015
Adjudicated Recital with Coastal Flutes
Foundation Music Center
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Master Class with Coastal Flutes
Foundation Music Center
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sunday, December, 2014
San Diego Flute Guild Holiday Program
featuring the Coastal Flutes Ensemble
January 8-11, 2015
SoundON San Diego Festival of Modern Music
with Dr. Lisa Cella, flutes
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Coastal Flutes welcomes
Yamaha Performing Artist, TRACY HARRIS
Foundation Music Center
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
August 11-16 , 2014
Coastal Flutes Summer Master Class
for Mature Intermediate and Advanced/College Flutists
Foundation Music Center
& St Peter's Episcopal Church in Del Mar
Dr. September Payne, Dr. Elena Yarritu, Ray Furuta
and special guest artist, Isabelle Chapuis
Online application available soon, please check back!
July 7-11, 2014
Coastal Flutes Summer Master Class
for Elementary and Intermediate Flutists
Foundation Music Center
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Dr. September Payne, Dr. Elena Yarritu master teachers
Online application available soon, please check back!
March 16, 2014
Master Class with Coastal Flutes
with Dr. Elena Yarritu & dr. September Payne
Polishing Your Performance Exam for Certificiate of Merit
Foundation Music Center
3233 Carmel Mountain Rd., Suite 100
San Diego, Ca 92121
5:00 - 7:00
November 17, 2013
Master Class with Dr. Elena Yarritu
CBDA and SCSBOA Audition Preparation
2:00 - -5:00 PM
Sorrento Valley Music
3233 Carmel Mountain Rd., Suite 100
San Diego, Ca 92121
October, 2013
Master Class with Coastal Flutes
with Dr. September Payne
Moyse Make Over
2:00 - -5:00 PM
Sorrento Valley Music
3233 Carmel Mountain Rd., Suite 100
San Diego, Ca 92121
September 8, 2013
Master Class with Dr. Jill Felber, professor of flute at UCSB
2:00 - -5:00 PM
Sorrento Valley Music
3233 Carmel Mountain Rd., Suite 100
San Diego, Ca 92121